Sunday, July 25, 2010

Family Day with the VBH

My parents, grandparents, and dogs came to visit my studio and took a series of photos while I worked.

The two photos below give an idea of what happens when my father sits for a model session. During the 4th session I decided that a mild facial expression would make the project more exciting for me and would help me move away from my previous work with blank expressions, while staying in keeping with my concept for the piece. I have started to make one eye brow raised and to lift the corners of the mouth slightly. I want the piece to be both an object in the around and a space within itself. If the facial expression is too extreme then the piece becomes about the face instead of the whole. I want to to be a series of surfaces that create an enclosed space that one could enter (obviously not while it is in its class state, but later after a mold has been made).

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